BROAD LEAF Deciduous Trees
& Shrubs |
Facts and Picture Page |
Gallery links |
Plants organized by Family |
Acer cissifolium
Ivy leaved maple |
Gallery |
Acer forrestii
Forrest maple |
Gallery |
Acer griseum
Paperbark maple |
Gallery |
Acer japonicum
Fullmoon maple |
Gallery |
Acer negundo
Boxelder |
Gallery |
Acer nigrum
Black maple |
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Acer platanoides
Norway maple |
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Acer pseudoplatanus
Sycamore maple |
Gallery |
Acer rubrum
Red maple |
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Acer saccharinum
Silver maple |
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Acer saccharum
Sugar maple |
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Acer tegmentosum
Manchurian striped maple |
Gallery |
Acer triflorum
Threeflower maple |
Gallery |
Aesculus glabra
Ohio buckeye |
Gallery |
Aesculus hippocastanum
Horsechestnut |
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Ailanthus altissima
Tree of heaven |
Gallery |
Alnus glutinosa
European alder |
Gallery |
Aralia elata
Angelica Tree |
Gallery |
Aralia spinosa
Devil's Walking Stick |
Gallery |
Asimina triloba
Common pawpaw |
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Betula nigra
River birch |
Gallery |
Betula nigra "Little King"
Fox Valley ® river birch |
Gallery |
Betula papyrifera
Paper birch |
Gallery |
Betula populifolia 'Whitespire'
Gray birch |
Gallery |
Carpinus betulus
European Hornbeam |
Gallery |
Carpinus caroliniana
American Hornbeam |
Gallery |
Carya cordiformis
Bitternut hickory |
Gallery |
Carya illinoinensis
Pecan |
Gallery |
Carya ovata
Shagbark hickory |
Gallery |
Castanea dentata
American chestnut |
Gallery |
Catalpa speciosa
Northern catalpa |
Gallery |
Celtis laevigata
Sugarberry |
Gallery |
Celtis occidentalis
Hackberry |
Gallery |
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Buttonbush |
Gallery |
Cercis canadensis
Redbud |
Gallery |
Chionanthus retusus
Chinese Fringetree |
Gallery |
Chionanthus virginicus
Fringetree |
Gallery |
Clethra alnifolia
Summersweet, Pepperbush |
Gallery |
Cladrastis lutea (Cladrastis kentukea)
Yellowood tree |
Gallery |
Cornus alternifolia
Pagoda dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus florida
Flowering dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus kousa
Kousa Dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus kousa var. chinensis
Chinese Kousa Dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus mas
Cornelian cherry dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus obliqua
Silky dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus racemosa
Gray dogwood |
Gallery |
Cornus sericea
Red-osier dogwood |
Gallery |
Corylus americana
American hazelnut |
Gallery |
Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
Harry Lauder's Walking Stick |
Gallery |
Corylus colurna
Turkish filbert |
Gallery |
Cotinus coggygria
Eurasian smoke tree |
Gallery |
Cotoneaster multiflorus
frequent misspelling multiflora
Showy Cotoneaster |
Gallery |
Crataegus crus-galli
Cockspur hawthorn |
Gallery |
Deutzia gracilis
Slender Deutzia |
Gallery |
Diospyros Virginiana
Persimmon |
Gallery |
Euonymus hamiltonianus
Himalayan spindle tree |
Gallery |
Fagus grandifolia
American beech |
Gallery |
Fagus sylvatica
European beech |
Gallery |
Forsythia viridissima 'Koreana'
Greenstem forsythia |
Gallery |
Fothergilla gardenii
Dwarf Fothergilla |
Gallery |
Fothergilla gardenii 'Suzanne'
Suzanne Dwarf Fothergilla |
Gallery |
Fothergilla x intermedia 'Blue Shadow'
Blue Shadow Fothergilla |
Gallery |
Fothergilla x intermedia 'KLM'
Red Monarch Fothergilla |
Gallery |
Fraxinus americana
American ash |
Gallery |
Fraxinus excelsior
European ash |
Gallery |
Fraxinus nigra
Black ash |
Gallery |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green ash, Red ash |
Gallery |
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Blue ash |
Gallery |
Gleditsia triacanthos
var inermis
thornless honey locust |
Gallery |
Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo |
Gallery |
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky coffeetree |
Gallery |
Halesia tetraptera
Silverbell |
Gallery |
Hamamelis vernalis
Vernal witchhazel |
Gallery |
Hamamelis virginiana
Common witchhazel |
Gallery |
Hydrangea quercifolia
Oakleaf hydrangea |
Gallery |
Hypericum sp.
St. John's Wart (various) |
Gallery |
Juglans cinerea
Butternut |
Gallery |
Juglans microcarpa
Little walnut |
Gallery |
Juglans nigra
Black walnut |
Gallery |
Kalopanax pictus
Castor-leaved aralia |
Gallery |
Koelreuteria paniculata
Golden Raintree |
Gallery |
Ligustrum vulgare
European privet |
Gallery |
Liquidambar styraciflua
Sweet gum |
Gallery |
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tuliptree |
Gallery |
Maclura pomifera
Osage Orange |
Gallery |
Magnolia ashei
Ashe Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia (liliflora 'Nigra' x stellata 'Rosea') 'Betty'
Betty Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia x loebneri 'Merrill'
Merrill Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia sieboldii
Oyama Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia x soulangiana
Saucer Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia stellata
Star Magnolia |
Gallery |
Magnolia tripetala
Umbrella-tree |
Gallery |
Morus alba
White mulberry |
Gallery |
Morus rubra
Red mulberry |
Gallery |
Ostrya virginiana
Hophornbeam, Ironwood |
Gallery |
Phellodendron amurense
Amur Cork Tree |
Gallery |
Platanus occidentalis
Sycamore |
Gallery |
Populus deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood |
Gallery |
Populus tremuloides
Quaking aspen |
Gallery |
Prunus serotina
Wild black cherry |
Gallery |
Pyracantha coccinea
Firethorn |
Gallery |
Quercus acutissima
Sawtooth oak |
Gallery |
Quercus alba
White Oak |
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Quercus bicolor
Swamp white oak |
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Quercus dentata
Daimyo oak |
Gallery |
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Hill's Oak, Northern Pin Oak |
Gallery |
Quercus imbricaria
Shingle Oak
Gallery |
Quercus macrocarpa
Burr oak |
Gallery |
Quercus palustris
Pin oak |
Gallery |
Quercus robur
English oak |
Gallery |
Quercus rubra
Northern red oak |
Gallery |
Quercus stellata
Post oak |
Gallery |
Rhamnus cathartica
Common buckthorn |
Gallery |
Rhamnus frangula
Glossy buckthorn |
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Rhodotypos scandens
Jetbead |
Gallery |
Rhus aromatica
Shining sumac |
Gallery |
Rhus copallina
Shining sumac |
Gallery |
Rhus glabra
Smooth sumac |
Gallery |
Rhus typhina
Staghorn sumac |
Gallery |
Ribes alpinum
Alpine Currant |
Gallery |
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black locust |
Gallery |
Salix alba 'Tristis'
Golden weeping willow |
Gallery |
Salix nigra
Black Willow |
Gallery |
Salix purpurea
Basket Willow |
Gallery |
Sambucus canadensis'
Common elderberry |
Gallery |
Sassafras albidum
Sassafras |
Gallery |
Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'
Dwarf Korean Lilac |
Gallery |
Syringa pekinensis 'Morton'
Peking Lilac China Snow |
Gallery |
Syringa reticulata ssp. reticulata
Japanese Tree Lilac |
Gallery |
Syringa vulgaris
Common Lilac |
Gallery |
Syringa vulgaris 'Fuerst Buelow'
Fuerst Buelow Common Lilac |
Gallery |
Tilia americana
American basswood |
Gallery |
Tilia cordata
Little Leaf Linden |
Gallery |
Tilia x euchlora
Crimean Linden |
Gallery |
Tilia x euchlora 'Redmond
Redmond Linden |
Gallery |
Tilia tomentosa
Silver Linden |
Gallery |
Ulmus americana
American elm |
Gallery |
Ulmus rubra
Slippery elm |
Gallery |